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Step into the Scrub Club...

where we do the cleaning.

Logo for Scrub Club Cleaning Service
What would you rather do with your time?

Request an Estimate


Take 30 seconds to tell us about yourself and your home. The more info the better. :-)


We need your # and email to send you your estimate. Add as much detail as possible for the most accurate estimate.


You'll receive a text and email with your estimate, you can make changes or accept right from the link in the message.

If we need more information we will call the number you've provided.

How we price our cleans:

To save you hassle and time we do most estimates over the phone and count on your accurate description to price your individualized cleaning. We start with the square footage to come up with a base price and estimate up or down based on everything you want to be included in your house cleaning appointment. We add a buffer to account for differences in your description and actual condition. 

After your cleaning is completed we make sure our estimate is on par with the cleaning actually done and change it accordingly. 

Scheduling Details:

If you need to get your home cleaned as soon as possible, we try to accommodate the best we can, often rearranging to get you on the schedule. There are times, especially in the summer, when we book out a month. The best way to make sure you get the day you need is to send a request as soon as you know. 

Scrub Club Cleaning Service does home cleaning, vacation rental cleaning, office cleaning, move-in and move-out cleaning, post-construction cleaning, and commercial cleaning. We work with individuals, builders, property managers, associations, and business owners. Service areas include Traverse City, Williamsburg, Kingsley, Interlochen, Grawn. Other destinations are considered based on certain conditions.

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Office Hours:

Monday-Friday      9 AM to 5 PM

Saturday                 9 AM to 2 PM

Sunday                   9 AM to 2 PM

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